Thursday, June 7, 2:00 pm
22nd District Court
27331 S. River St., Inkster,
(One block north of intersection of Michigan Ave. & Inkster Rd, 2 miles west of Telegraph)
Call Fred Solomon, PR director of PNC Bank
412-600-2628, cell
412-762-7544, direct
Tell Fred Solomon that you want the eviction order against Jerrome Jackson suspended since negotiations are underway to keep Jerome in his house. Tell him of your very strong support of Jerome and that you will not stop until Jerome gets his home back.
Jerome Jackson, paraplegic since age 14, moved into an Inkster home designed for wheel-chair access in 2004. He could not have afforded this modest home without the commitment from Community Living Services (CLS), funded by Wayne County, to share a portion of the mortgage expense.
In 2009, CLS cut Mr. Jackson’s support and he fell into default. Fannie Mae bought the mortgage at sheriff’s auction and is now seeking to evict Mr. Jackson.
We are calling on the court to set aside the eviction and for Wayne County / CLS to honor the commitment it made to help support the cost of Jerome’s mortgage. We are also calling on PNC bank and Fannie Mae to modify the mortgage so that Jerome Jackson can live in his wheel-chair-access home.
Stop the Eviction of Jerome Jackson!
Occupy Detroit, Moratorium Now!, UAW, People Before Banks, UAW Local 600
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