Support Gregorio Martinez – Actions on Sat., Mar. 30 and Mon., Apr. 1

Rally and march against Chase Bank

Saturday, March 30, 2013

10:00 am: Gather 5811 Chopin St., Detroit

11:00 am March to Chase Bank at Warren and Wyoming, Detroit

Pack the Courtroom

Monday, April 1, 2013

9 am (please arrive by 8:45 am)

36th District Court – Judge Wanda Evans
421 Madison St. in downtown Detroit near Greektown

Gregorio Martinez picture
Gregorio Martinez

Gregorio Martinez, 69 years old, has lived in his house in Southwest Detroit for the past 15 years.  Mr. Martinez is a retired autoworker and long-time UAW member.  He is well respected in his community and neighborhood.  His house is one of the last in his neighborhood which has not been destroyed, but Chase Bank wants to change all of that.

JP Morgan Chase Bank has brought an eviction action against Mr. Martinez.  Mr. Martinez does not read or speak English. He did not understand the foreclosure process, the right to be reviewed for a loan modification, the sheriff’s sale, the redemption period, and so forth.

Chase Bank bought Mr. Martinez’ home for $2800 at the sheriff’s sale. In other words with $2800, Mr. Martinez could have redeemed his home.

Call Chase Bank

Please support Mr. Martinez by calling Chase Bank and demand that it stop the eviction of Gregorio Martinez and allow Mr. Martinez to redeem his home for $2800, the price that Chase paid for the home.

Mr. Martinez’s home address:

5811 Chopin St., Detroit, MI 48210

Loan number: 1676107537

Contact Jamie Dimon, the CEO of Chase Bank,  at 888-310-7995


  1. Edward Miller Jr=AAABLC is in Support of Gregorio Martinez and the actions of MECAWI in Support of Him on March 31 and April 1 in Detroit. I should be back in Detroit on Saturday April 6,2013 and Look forward to anticipating in what ever actions that is necessary

  2. Edward Miller Jr of AAABLC is in Support of Gregorio Martinez and the actions of MECAWI of him on March 31 and April 1 in Detroit.I should be back in Detroit on Saturday April 6th,and look forward to participating in whatever actions that is necessary

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  1. Global Literary Marketplace » Blog Archive » Reminder– Rally and Caravan to Protest Chase Foreclosure of Gregorio Martinez‏

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