Jorge Parra, Colombian ex-GM worker who was scheduled for several Detroit appearances June 5-9, has been denied entry to the US by the US government. His ten-year visa was abruptly “cancelled” a few days before his departure for a multi-city speaking tour.
Regardless, we are holding our scheduled events to welcome Portland, Oregon ASOTRECOL solidarity activist Paige Shell-Spurling in his place. Paige will share updates about ASOTRECOL and the broader struggle by injured Colombian workers.
Monday June 5 –7-9 pm > MORATORIUM NOW! COALITION
5920 Second Ave. (near Antoinette), Detroit 48202
Accessible ramp at side entrance (please call 313-680-5508, 248-470-0296 for assistance)
Tuesday June 6 — 3 -6 pm > Autoworkers Caravan & IWW, Detroit Chapter
Anchor Bar, 450 W Fort St, Detroit 48226
Thursday June 9 — 5:30-7 pm > Detroit Area Peace & Justice & MCHR
SWORDS INTO PLOWSHARES Peace Center and Gallery
33 East Adams, Detroit 48226 – parking in rear—Light refreshments
Paige will join with Detroit supporters to discuss where does the solidarity movement go from here? Come on by!
More info:
Jorge Parra, association leader of fired injured GM workers (ASOTRECOL) is traveling from Bogota, Colombia for a 6-city US tour, and will be in Detroit Mon. June 5th through Fri. June 9th . His arrival here will coincide with the GM shareholders meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 6th at GM headquarters. Detroit activists are starting to put together an itinerary so that he can meet with his supporters and present updates about the struggle by injured workers in Colombia.
The tent encampment at the US Embassy has now extended over 2,100 days. ASOTRECOL’s persistent struggle for justice has significantly impacted the fight by injured workers at the GM plant, and in other industries throughout Colombia. Colombian courts recently forced GM to recall 24 injured workers who were illegally fired. Proposed legislation to make such firings legal has been stalled in the Colombian congress due to public outcry. Injured workers’ associations are emerged and growing. International solidarity efforts have remained steadfast.
Jorge and his co-workers are a profound example of the protracted struggle justice requires. We hope to give him a Detroiters welcome!
Please join us!!
Long live International Solidarity
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