S. Baxter Jones was a Detroit school teacher for over 20 years. He was in a car crash in 2005 and suffered traumatic brain injury. He is severely disabled. Mr. Jones fell behind on his mortgage while waiting for Social Security and his pension to be processed. He wrote to Wells Fargo explaining his situation and had a phone conference with them to discuss a loan modification.
Wells Fargo refused to work with Mr. Jones and went ahead with foreclosure, even though he started getting Social Security benefits. He faces imminent eviction from his home (where he has lived since 2002 in Jackson, Michigan).
Please ACT NOW! Call Wells Fargo and Fannie Mae to demand they stop the eviction of S. Baxter Jones and work with him to modify his loan so he can stay in his home.
LOAN # 025 301 6042 ADDRESS 8789 Rexford Road, Jackson, MI 49201
Fannie Mae Chicago Office: 312-368-6200
Fannie Mae Mortgage Help Center: 866-442-8572
Fannie Mae email: chicago_mhc@fanniemae.com
Wells Fargo Office of Executive Complaint: 800-853-8516
Issued by Moratorium NOW! Coalition to Stop Foreclosures (313) 680-5508
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